Find, remove and disguise your personal data today

Is your phone number already exposed? Get started with a free scan to understand your risk exposure.

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If we detect a threat, you’ll receive 20% off courtesy of Cloaked and Michael Bazzell.

"Cloaked help keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA
"Cloaked help keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA
"Cloaked help keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA

Safeguard your family’s identity against
bad actors.

Safeguard your family’s identity against bad actors.

You deserve to enjoy the internet—safely. Cloaked protects personal information from public, private, and shady organizations.

I like Cloaked service for what it is. It is a great...

Michael Bazzell

...incoming communication mask with payment option.

Cloaked starts protecting you immediately

Start with a free safety check

If sensitive information like your SSN is uncovered, Cloaked can secure you and your family today.

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No credit card required. No data is stored.
Get results in 30 seconds.

Data Removal

Find where personal info is sold & remove it

Google, Facebook, and data brokers sell your personal information to advertisers, it’s the main source of your spam.

Data Monitoring

Detect when hackers breach companies you have an account with

Hackers breach company firewalls to expose user data in large quantities—in the event of a breach we keep you informed and help you react.

Data Disguises

Now you can hide your contact & payment info

Reusing the same contact or payment information with multiple companies is risky. Cloaked has the only compressive solution to ending this habit.

How to disguise your identity?

Any time a company asks for personal info, disguise your identity

Reusing the same contact or payment information with multiple companies is risky. Cloaked has the only compressive solution to ending this habit.

"Cloaked help keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA
"Cloaked help keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA
"Cloaked help keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA