Digital footprint eraser: Because your privacy can't wait.

Continuous protection starts here. One click to scan, another to secure. See your privacy score instantly, no cost or commitment.

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Scan 120+ brokers for your info for free. Cloaked will not store or sell your phone number.

By performing the number scan, you affirm you are entering a number owned only by you and agree to receive a verification code. Scan is subject to Cloaked's Terms of Use and Prohibited Use Policy.

"Cloaked helps keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA
"Cloaked helps keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA
"Cloaked helps keep your data private"
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Easy to avoid fraud and scams”
Laura - Portland, OR
“Cloaked helps to end spam and robocalls”
Lou - Lee, VA
“Finally my number is protected”
Michael - Richmond, VA

Why should you remove your data?

Personal information about you is used by tech companies and data brokers to sell for profit. Having your personal information online makes you vulnerable to fraud, scams, and phishing attempts.

2,102,304 phone numbers and emails have been protected by Cloaked